
rotten Gill Learn more about rotten Gill

  • Prevention and treatment of Gill rot disease of cultured puffer fish

    Prevention and treatment of Gill rot disease of cultured puffer fish

    [symptoms of globefish Gill rot disease] the diseased puffer fish moves slowly, blackens the body, has difficulty breathing, swims slowly in the upper layer of the water or by the pool, and loses appetite. When the Gill cover is opened, the increase of Gill filament mucus can be seen with the naked eye, and in severe cases, the end of the Gill filament is rotten and defected. some of the Gill filaments are gray and white.

    2020-11-08 Breeding puffer fish rotten Gill disease prevention and control diseased
  • Is the Gill of the fish moldy? Can it be saved?

    Is the Gill of the fish moldy? Can it be saved?

    On May 19, the editor updated an article entitled "the gills of fish are black, red and rotten, which should be paid attention to." when it comes to the problem of rotten gills of ornamental fish, it is believed that many fish friends have come into contact with rotten Gill disease.

  • The gills of the fish are black, red and rotten, which should be paid attention to. If you are not careful, you will infect other fish.

    The gills of the fish are black, red and rotten, which should be paid attention to. If you are not careful, you will infect other fish.

    Gill rot is a common and frequently-occurring disease caused by Flavobacterium columnarum, which is harmful to goldfish and koi. According to foreign reports, dozens of species of fish can occur, such as Salmonidae, Cyprinidae, substomatae, Formosidae, Cyprinidae, Cyprinidae and so on.

  • Disease control of barracuda

    Disease control of barracuda

    Barracuda belongs to Mugilidae, similar in external morphology to mullet, but with underdeveloped fat eyelids. It lives in coastal areas and estuaries, and can also live in fresh water. It is a eurythermal and euryhaline fish. In its natural state, it scrapes diatoms and putrefied organic matter, and also eats benthos. Artificial compound bait can be used in pond culture. There is a saying of "south mullet and north shuttle" among the cultivated varieties. Barracuda culture is dominant in Jiangsu and northern areas. In recent years, the trend of breeding barracuda in freshwater ponds in coastal areas has developed rapidly.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of bacterial and viral diseases in fish

    Diagnosis and treatment of bacterial and viral diseases in fish

    Diagnosis and treatment of bacterial and viral diseases in fish

  • Myxobacterial rotten carp disease

    Myxobacterial rotten carp disease

    First, the symptoms: the gills of the diseased fish rot, with some sludge. Sometimes the tip tissue of the Gill decays, resulting in incomplete edge of the Gill, and sometimes one or more parts of the Gill rot, not at the edge. The lining of the operculum is congested, sometimes broken and corroded into a slightly round transparent area, commonly known as "open skylight". Due to the destruction of Gill tissue, the diseased fish have difficulty in breathing and often swim near the water surface in the shape of a floating head. Seriously ill fish still have the phenomenon of floating head after changing clean water. 2. Pathogen: columnar fibromyxobacteria (Cytophagacolu)

  • 7 new effective fish medicines

    7 new effective fish medicines

    Fish bug killer. This product is an external insecticide for green, grass, bighead carp, crucian carp and bream. It can kill parasitic Chinese carp, anchor head carp, trochodina, small melon worm, third generation worm, sporozoa, dactylogyrus, fish carp, hook shell larvae, etc. on fish within a few hours. It can also kill water centipede, ants and other pests. High chlorine. This product is a fungicide. It has strong killing effect on bacteria, fungi, germs, fungi, etc., and has strong killing effect on hemorrhagic disease, red skin, printing, rotten gills, black gills, enteritis, rotten shell and red skin of fish, shrimp, crab, turtle, eel and frog.

  • Prevention and treatment of "new three diseases" of grass carp

    Prevention and treatment of

    Prevention and treatment of "new three diseases" of grass carp

  • Several popular fish medicines

    Several popular fish medicines

    This product is an external insecticide for green, grass, silver carp, bighead carp and crucian carp, which can kill Chinese fleas, anchor fleas, rotifers, melon worms, third-generation worms, sporidia, ring worms, fish larvae, hook larvae, etc. it can also kill water centipedes, leeches and other pests. This product is a new type of highly effective insecticidal drug, which can effectively kill Anchor flea, Chinese flea, rotifer, ring worm, third generation worm, sporidium, double scale trematodes and other fish parasites. For four major domestic fish, freshwater white Pomfret, mandarin fish, sea bass, eel

  • Measures to improve the efficacy of fish drugs

    Measures to improve the efficacy of fish drugs

    Due to the use of fish drugs in the water environment, there are many restrictive factors, so it is often difficult to achieve the ideal effect. In order to improve the effect of drug application, we must pay attention to the skills of drug application. 1. The choice of external and internal medicine when the disease occurs in the fish pond, it is necessary to diagnose the disease accurately and quickly, such as red skin, rotten Gill, white skin and other common bacterial diseases, such as red skin, rotten Gill, white skin and other common bacterial diseases, such as red skin, rotten Gill, white skin and so on. If parasitic diseases are found, the combination of internal and external medication

  • Control methods of Gill rot disease of crayfish

    Control methods of Gill rot disease of crayfish

    Control methods of Gill rot disease of crayfish

  • Control methods of five common diseases of crayfish

    Control methods of five common diseases of crayfish

    Control methods of five common diseases of crayfish

  • Diagnosis and treatment of similar diseases in grass carp

    Diagnosis and treatment of similar diseases in grass carp

    Diagnosis and treatment of similar diseases in grass carp

  • Problems in the black larval stage of Japanese eel and its countermeasures

    Problems in the black larval stage of Japanese eel and its countermeasures

    At the turn of spring and summer, Japanese eel culture is mostly in the black larval stage, which generally reflects the decline of feeding rate, prone to rotten Gill, rotten tail syndrome and other phenomena, which seriously affect the healthy, sustained and steady development of Japanese eel culture. This paper analyzes the main problems existing in the culture stage of Japanese eel black larvae, and puts forward some countermeasures for reference. First, the feeding rate decreased: the feeding rate decreased or the feeding amount was difficult to increase in the culture of Japanese eel black larvae, and the main inducing factors

  • Prevention and control of diseases of cultured crayfish

    Prevention and control of diseases of cultured crayfish

    As crayfish culture has just started, and the incidence of crayfish is less under rough culture conditions, the time for studying crayfish diseases is relatively short, so many problems have not been fully understood, especially viral diseases can not be effectively treated so far. Treatment of shrimp disease should be based on

    2020-11-08 Culture small lobster disease control due to
  • Treatment of Gill rot of farmed carp in autumn

    Treatment of Gill rot of farmed carp in autumn

    1. Morbidity and symptoms A total of 8 cases of carp were cultured in cages in Tumenzi Reservoir in 2005. From the end of April to the middle of September, disinfectants were sprinkled or hung in baskets every half a month, and baits were given every 20 days. Fungicides and insecticides are used alternately

    2020-11-08 Culture carp autumn rotten gills disease treatment one
  • Control of common diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    Control of common diseases of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    First, stimulate cryptonuclear disease (white spot disease) symptoms of a large number of small white spots on the body surface, serious fish body covered with a layer of white film, due to the destruction of the worm will cause secondary bacterial infection, resulting in fish skin inflammation, necrosis, scales easy to fall off, fin decay, split, parasitic Gill, destroy Gill, infected with bacteria, will cause rotten Gill phenomenon. When the worm invades the cornea of the fish, it will cause inflammation, blindness, loss of appetite, thin body and swimming disorder. The worm body can be observed and judged by microscope. Prevention

  • How to identify common similar fish diseases and how to prevent them?

    How to identify common similar fish diseases and how to prevent them?

    Fish farmers have a headache, that is, fish disease. How to identify many common similar fish diseases and how to prevent them? Let's take a look at it together. First, intestinal bleeding grass carp bleeding disease and bacterial enteritis both early appearance

    2020-11-11 common similar fish diseases how to distinguish and prevent
  • Control of wheat yellow plague of cultured grass carp

    Control of wheat yellow plague of cultured grass carp

    Barley yellow and White Dew's heart are two key seasons for the high incidence of grass carp disease. At present, with the gradual increase of air temperature and water temperature, grass carp has also entered the season of high incidence of disease. Grass carp wheat yellow blast refers to the mixture of grass carp Gill rot disease and red skin disease before and after barley yellow.

    2020-11-08 Culture grass carp wheat yellow plague control barley yellow White Dew heart
  • How to prevent and cure rotifer of cultured red sea bream?

    How to prevent and cure rotifer of cultured red sea bream?

    How to prevent and cure rotifer of cultured red sea bream?
